Since main memory is too small to run all the processes, the operating system uses multiprocessing to allocate use of the main memory and the CPU. When some of these instructions are running, it is called a process. Multiprogramming enables several programs to run at the same time.Įach program is made up of program instructions. There are several functions that users can perform on files, for example:Īll applications, including web browsers, word processors, spreadsheets and apps, are made up of computer programs. The file system also assigns metadata to each file including: It is a hierarchical structure starting with the root directory, a bit like an upside-down tree. The file management system does this by creating a virtual file structure of the physical components. This is provided by the file management system.Īll data is stored in files, within folders, within drives. Users do not need to know how and where this data is stored physically, they just need a way of finding and managing that data. File managementĬomputers store data on physical devices, such as hard disk drives. An operating system is a suite of programs that manages and controls a computer.